
Women in Finance Awards Q&A: Nichola Hunter, LiquidityEdge


Nichola Hunter, CEO at LiquidityEdge, won CEO of the Year at Markets Media’s 2019 Women in Finance Awards.

What is the ‘secret of your success?
Luck, timing, never doubting that I could give something ‘a go’ and being very fortunate to work with some great teams and bosses over the years.

How do you connect individual success and organizational success?

Nichola Hunter, LiquidityEdge

Individual success and organizational success are inextricably linked, successful organizations attract successful people and successful people have the ability to translate individual success across an organization. I do not believe an individual can be truly successful if the organization where they are working continually fails to deliver. There of course can be ups and downs but something is wrong when a high achieving individual can not translate their contribution to overall organizational success……..’major global events notwithstanding’.

Which mentor(s) have helped you most in your career, and how?
I have never had a formal mentor but I have always had bosses / managers and team members who have supported me and given me opportunities when I may not have been the obvious choice. My most recent mentor (majority owner of the company I am CEO) has probably had the single greatest influence on my career. He encouraged me to move from my FX comfort zone into Fixed Income, supported me when others thought I may not have been the right person and gave me the confidence to try and then succeed.

What is something interesting that most people don’t know about you?
I lived in Amsterdam for over 5 years in the early years of my career. Living and working abroad is a privilege. I look forward to doing it again some day and not spending my life on an airplane with a very ugly carbon footprint.

What is your advice for women considering or just starting financial careers?
There are a variety of disciplines and roles in financial services, something for everyone. If you are not enjoying your role do not hesitate to seek out alternative paths, you control your career don’t wait for it to happen. Push yourself that little bit more. If you think you are not 100% qualified for a role ask yourself ‘ Am I >50% qualified for this role’? If the answers is yes then go for it a man would!

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