Melissa Hinmon, Director of Equity Trading for Glenmede Investment Management, won Excellence in Trading at Markets Media’s 2019 Women in Finance Awards.
What is the ‘secret of your success’?
Collaboration is imperative. While I believe there are steps each individual must take to succeed, the biggest ‘secret’ would be to recognize that we do not operate in a vacuum. Equally important is to understand that, with changes to technology and process, markets are always evolving. I must constantly look to advance my skills for the environment ahead. Finally, I greatly appreciate and respect my peers and my network, they are invaluable resources. In my experience, I have found more people are willing to share in and support your success than not.
How do you connect individual success and organizational success?
Varied viewpoints are essential to productivity. I try to remember that each individual in my organization has something to contribute and I never discount their viewpoints.
How do you strike a work-life balance?
I am a single mother of three daughters, and being a mom is my top priority. I have always sought to work for managers and organizations where this is understood and valued. Glenmede Investment Management provides me an environment where I am trusted to work hard, but also to step away as needed. Without this support, I would have found it impossible to grow in my career without sacrificing my family. Additionally, remaining organized is critical, as is asking for help.