
Women in Finance Asia Awards: The Photos

Women in Finance Asia Awards: The Photos

Following are select photos from Markets Media Group’s sixth-annual Women in Finance Asia Awards event, which was held May 16 in Singapore.

The BNP Paribas table

CEO of the Year acceptance speech

Bonnie Chan, HKEx Group

The Citadel and Citadel Securities team

The Citi table

Clare Witts, JP Morgan, with Yulia Kuksina, Markets Media

The Instinet team

Julia Raiskin, Millennium Capital Management

The Liquidnet and ICAP team

The main floor

Melanie Tan, Marex Spectron

Modern Erhu performance

The SGX team

The SGX table

For the full photo gallery, click here (Dropbox link).

Photo credit: Mount Studio Pte Ltd

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