
US Agencies Request Information on Bank-Fintech Arrangements

Summer Trading Network 2016

The federal bank regulatory agencies issued a statement reminding banks of potential risks associated with third-party arrangements to deliver bank deposit products and services.

The agencies support responsible innovation and banks engaging in these arrangements in a safe and sound manner and in compliance with applicable law. While these arrangements can provide benefits, supervisory experience has identified a range of safety and soundness, compliance, and consumer-related concerns with the management of these arrangements. The statement details the potential risks and provides examples of effective risk management practices for these arrangements. In addition, the statement reminds banks of relevant existing legal requirements, guidance, and related resources, and provides insights that the agencies have gained through their supervision. The statement does not establish new supervisory expectations.

Separately, the agencies have requested additional information on a broad range of bank-fintech arrangements, including with respect to deposit, payments, and lending products and services. The agencies are seeking input on the nature and implications of bank-fintech arrangements and effective risk management practices.

The agencies are considering whether additional steps could help ensure banks effectively manage risks associated with these various types of arrangements.

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