
Trading Volumes Fall at Nasdaq Nordic And Baltic Markets

Trading Volumes Fall at Nasdaq Nordic And Baltic Markets
Nasdaq Nordic publishes annual trade statistics for the Nordic1 and Baltic2 markets. Below follows a summary of the trade statistics for full year 2023:

  • The share trading decreased by 17.0 % to a daily average of 2.919bn EUR, compared to 3.518bn EUR in 2022.
  • The average number of trades per business day decreased by 25.6 % to 618,976 as compared to 831,789 in 2022.
  • Derivatives trading decreased by 7.4 % to a daily average of 286,875 contracts, compared with 309,651 contracts in 2022.
  • ETF trading3 (Exchange Traded Funds) decreased by 34.7 % to a daily average of 35.0m EUR compared to 53.7m EUR in 2022.
  • 334 companies listed at Nasdaq Nordic and Baltics markets during 2023 (164 at Nasdaq Nordic and Baltics main market and 17 at First North) compared to 744 in 2022. There are 1 218 companies listed end of 2023 (687 at Nasdaq Nordic and Baltics main market and 531 at First North) compared to 1 251 companies listed end of 2022.
  • Novo Nordisk A/S was the most traded stock during 2023, followed by Nordea Bank Abp.
  • Goldman Sachs Bank Europe SE was the most active member during 2023, followed by Morgan Stanley Europe SE.
  • Nasdaq Nordic’s average share of order-book trading in our listed stocks decreased to 70.7 %, compared to 71.4 % in 20225.
  • Nasdaq Nordic’s average time at EBBO6 (European Best Bid and Offer) during 2023 was:
  • For OMXC20 companies 88.1 %
  • For OMXH25 companies 92.3 %
  • For OMXS30 companies 90.6 %

1) Nasdaq Copenhagen, Helsinki, Iceland and Stockholm2) Nasdaq Riga, Tallinn and Vilnius3) ETF trading figure encompasses Nasdaq Copenhagen, Helsinki and Stockholm.4) 33 listings –  Includes 10 switches from First North 2023  (12 switches in 2022).5) Source: REFINITIV. Included are main European marketplaces that offer trading in Nasdaq Nordic listed shares.6) EBBO (European Best Bid and Offer) refers to the current best price available for selling or buying a trading instrument such as a stock.

Source: Nasdaq

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