With Delilah Panio, VP of US Capital Formation at Toronto Stock Exchange.

High Frequency Trading Archives - Page 15 of 28 - Markets Media

The exchange group also has bold ambitions for the index business.

From April sterling Libor cannot be used in any new lending or cash products that mature beyond 2021.

A financial transaction tax is again proposed, but the idea may fade by November.

The route connects the B3 colocation facilities in Sao Paulo with the Nasdaq data center in Carteret, NJ.

'Shortwave as a Service' provider says its speed is the new benchmark for latency between exchanges.

Speed bumps are innovative in theory but ineffective in practice, Domeyard's Christina Qi says.

ICAP's data & analytics and global broking divisions have a formalised partnership.

This depth of market data was previously only available for futures.

Liquidity challenges in fixed income shift market influence to institutional investors.