The European Commission (EC) has indicated that the burning of all fossil fuels cannot be regarded as sustainable. In doing so, the EC follows the scientific evidence that burning fossil fuels contributes to global warming. Triodos Bank also believes that fossil fuels can never be classified as sustainable.

However, the EC has decided at a later date to reconsider whether the combustion of natural gas can be classified as sustainable, so that it can be used in countries that want to refrain from using coal.


The combustion of biomass is also considered sustainable in the taxonomy. Triodos Bank believes that the financial sector should be very cautious about financing wood combustion because of the negative consequences for the environment and biodiversity of CO2 emissions and forest clearing.


The EC has also decided to exclude agriculture for the time being pending a new common agricultural policy Triodos Bank believes it is important that the eventual classification of agriculture in taxonomy contributes to an agricultural system that does not harm our planet, human health and social equality . Such a taxonomy would also do justice to the Farm to Fork strategy of the European Commission.

Human Rights

The taxonomy criteria also relate to human rights: business activities are not sustainable if they benefit the environment, but ignore human rights. This is an important addition when it comes to stimulating a positive impact on people and the environment.

Source: Triodos