
Markets Media’s Women in Finance Ring NYSE Opening Bell

Markets Media’s Women in Finance Ring NYSE Opening Bell

Markets Media Group’s Women in Finance rang the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange on Monday, October 14. 

About 30 people, including Women in Finance Awards Advisory Group members, MMG staffers, and women in finance supporters and allies participated in the iconic bell ringing. With schools closed for Columbus Day, many daughters and nieces and a few sons also attended.

Markets Media’s 10th-annual Women in Finance Awards program will be held on Thursday, November 21, at the Hard Rock Hotel. 

See NYSE TV’s interview with Meaghan Fitzpatrick, Executive Director and Head of Global Marketing at Instinet, and a member of the Markets Media Women in Finance Awards Advisory Board:

A few photos:

Markets Media Women in Finance ring the opening bell on October 14, 2024. (NYSE photo)

NYSE exterior sign, October 14, 2024. (Markets Media Group photo)

Markets Media Group CEO Mohan Virdee makes opening remarks. At left is Jessica Froats, Head of Relationship Management at NYSE. (Markets Media Group photo)

Inside the New York Stock Exchange on October 14, 2024. (Markets Media Group photo)

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