
European Women in Finance Awards Shortlist Announced

European Women in Finance Awards Shortlist Announced

Markets Media Group and Best Execution Magazine are proud to present the inaugural European Women in Finance Awards. Following the model of Markets Media’s very successful Women in Finance Awards programs in New York and Hong Kong, the European event will recognise and celebrate leading women in all corners of the financial industry. Learn more about the awards here.

29 October 2020 6PM GMT

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Jane Ambachtsheer Global Head of Sustainability BNP Paribas Asset Management
Seema Arora Managing Director, Head of Execution Sales Instinet Europe
Tina Bach Chief Dealer
Chief Dealer at Nordea Investment Management
Sukh Bachal Account Manager FlexTrade
Lucy Baldwin Global Head of Equity Sales Credit Suisse
Valerie Bannert-Thurner Senior Vice President, Head of Buy-Side and Sell-Side Solutions Nasdaq
Laura Barrowman Group Chief Information Officer Credit Suisse
Valérie Baudson Chief Executive, CPR Asset Management and head of indexing, ETF & smart beta AMUNDI AM
Miranda Beacham Responsible Investment Manager Aegon Asset Management
Elodie Blanc Deputy Head of Investment Banking & Capital Markets (IBCM) EMEA and Chief Operating Officer of IBCM EMEA Credit Suisse
Alexandra Boyle Vice President: Head of Strategic Client Group in Europe OpenFin
Lucy Brown ETF & Hedge Fund sales MarketAxess
Alyona Bulda Head of the Global Exchanges Division Exactpro
Helen Burgess Director Fixed Income Sales & Business Development Liquidnet
Christine Ciriani CEO Finantix
Debbie Clarke Global Head of Investment Research Mercer
Stephanie Clarke Senior Vice President, Distribution Insight Broadridge
Emma Crystal Head International Wealth Management Northern Europe Credit Suisse
Sophia Dancygier Senior Vice President IHS Markit
Marisa Drew Chief Sustainability Officer and Head of Sustainability Strategy, Advisory and Finance Credit Suisse
Louise Drummond Global head investment execution Aberdeen Standard
Pegah Esmaeili Vice President, Head of Nordic Business Development Virtu Financial
Vernita Exum Head of index equities in Europe Vanguard Asset Management
Jemma Finglas Head of Business Development for Asset Financing, EMEA Citi
Anna Flach Global Marketing Director BSO
Francesca Fornasari Head of Currency Solutions Insight Investment
Malene Forup Senior Equity Trader Nordea Asset Management
Anna Freeman Founder and CEO Zavfit
Doriane Geyler-Rojas Front office project manager
Cathy Gibson Head of Dealing Royal London Asset Management
Anne Giviskos Chief Risk and Compliance Officer Euronext
Christie Goncalves Fixed Income Senior Trader Vanguard Europe
Rebecca Healey Regulatory Consultant Liquidnet
Jennifer Hlad Head Equity Sales UK & Ireland SIX Swiss Exchange
Blanka Horvath Lecturer at King’s College London, Visiting Researcher at the Alan Turing Institute and Honorary Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics at Imperial College London King’s College London
Samantha Huggins Managing Director BTIG
Nichola Hunter Head of Rates MarketAxess
Danielle Hurley Director, Senior Manager – Business Accounting & Finance Tradeweb
Madelaine Jones MD and Portfolio manager for the European high yield and senior loan strategies Oaktree Capital Management
Sukhi Jutla Co-Founder and COO MarketOrders
Emma Kalliomaki Managing Director
ANNA (Association of National Numbering Agencies / DSB (The Derivatives Service Bureau)
Jennifer Keser Director, Head of Market Structure & Regulation, Europe & Asia Tradeweb
Johanna Kyrklund Chief investment officer and head of multi-asset investments Schroders
Sonja Laud (Schemmann) Chief Investment Officer
Legal & General Investment Management
Marion Leslie Head of Financial Information and Executive Board Member SIX
Charlotte Lotter Executive Director Instinet Europe
Linda Middleditch Chief Product Officer Itiviti
Joanna Munro global chief investment officer HSBC Global Asset Management
Serene Murphy MD, Head of Corporate Development, Europe & Asia Tradeweb
Tamara Murray Head of HR, EMEA and APAC MarketAxess
Cécile Nagel CEO EuroCCP
Luba Nikulina Global Head of Research Willis Towers Watson
Katie O’Hare Fixed Income Trader Wellington Management
Chioma Okoye Director, European Credit Product Manager Tradeweb
Mariana Olsson Senior Trader Nordea Asset Management
Angela Osborne Managing Director, EMEA Head of Client and Key Account Management (KAM) Credit Suisse
Neesha Patel Senior Equity Trader Capital Group
Mandy Pike Retired former board Member and Head of Trading Aberdeen Standard Life
Zara Pratley Managing Director, Head of European Sales Tradeweb
Rhian Ravenscroft Senior Legal Counsel MarketAxess
Catherine Read Chief Operating Officer Royal London Asset Management
Stephanie Renner Chief Financial Officer Cboe Europe
Sharon Ruffles Head of Fixed Income Dealing State Street Global Advisors
Audrey Ryan Investment manager Aegon Asset Management
Vicky Sanders Global Head of Investment Analytics Liquidnet
Jutta Schneider European head of fixed income trading Allianz GI
Anju Sima Head of Sales, UK & Northern Europe MarketAxess
Alexandra Simpson Trader Baillie Gifford
Audris Siow Director of Sales for Algorithmic Trading Virtu Financial
Olga Small Managing Director – Electronic Trading Jefferies International Limited
Nandini Sukumar CEO World Federation of Exchanges
Stephanie Suriyanon Senior Fixed Income Trader Baillie Gifford
Surika Vosloo European Product Manager TradingScreen
Angie Walker Global Head of Capital Markets Business Development R3
Viola Werner Managing Director and Head Global Next Generation and Families Department Credit Suisse
Charlotte Wood Head of Innovation and Fintech Alliances Schroders

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