
Deutsche Börse adds global treasury auction data to machine-readable news feed


News Release

Deutsche Boerse Group

Deutsche Börse adds global treasury auction data to machine-readable news feed
“AlphaFlash Global Treasury Feed” makes data available from 12 countries

Deutsche Börse has added global treasury auction data to its algorithmic news feed “AlphaFlash”. The global treasury data package provides key treasury auction data from 12 countries directly from the source in a low latency, machine readable format. The new service is designed for algorithmic traders, asset managers, hedge funds, analysts and professional investors whose trading decisions are based on government bond market activity.

“Especially in today’s financial environment, speedy access to government bond data is essential. Sovereign debt markets have become more and more volatile over recent years, impacting all other asset classes and the world economy. The global treasury feed enables market participants to instantly access treasury auction announcements and execute their automated trades”, said Georg Gross, Head of Front Office Data & Analytics at Deutsche Börse.

AlphaFlash Global Treasury provides data from the following 12 countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. A separate data package providing U.S. Treasury auction data has been available since the launch of AlphaFlash in April 2010. Additional countries will be added later in 2011.

AlphaFlash delivers low latency, machine-readable economic indicators and corporate news. Subscribers can choose between several data packages, e.g. U.S., Canadian, European or Asia-Pacific economic indicators, as well as the AlphaFlash Corporate News Germany feed and two treasury feeds. AlphaFlash is available in the following 11 data centers: Chicago, Secaucus (New Jersey), Washington D.C., Frankfurt, London (3), Sydney, Tokyo and Singapore (2).

For more information about AlphaFlash, please visit: www.alphaflash.com.
About Deutsche Börse – Market Data & Analytics
Deutsche Börse is one of the world’s leading service providers for the securities industry with a product and service offering for issuers, investors, intermediaries and data vendors. The Group covers the entire process chain from trading, through clearing, to settlement and securities custody. Deutsche Börse Market Data & Analytics collects, refines and disseminates capital market-relevant data. The product range includes price data, trading statistics, analyses, master data and approximately 6.100 indices that document what is happening on the international financial markets and make it transparent.

Media Contact:
Naomi Kim
naomi.kim@deutsche-boerse.com / 1-212-669-6459
Press Hotline: 49 69 211 1 1500

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