From The Markets

ADV in February was an all-time high of 18 million contracts.

Stories broken down across buy side, brokers, stock exchanges and technology.

Yield Book’s securitized debt analyticsare being integrated into the Axioma risk management system.

The two firms are developing an integrated model across workflows, servicing and support.

The FCA's review of private market valuation processes found good practice but room for improvement.

The Derivatives Market Institute for Standards released its 2024 annual report.

Platform operator is expanding request for quote (RFQ) and spread-based click to trade functionality.

The digital asset liquidity provider will scale OTC derivatives & launch a dedicated crypto credit desk.

CMU OmniClear, HKEX will explore developing an international central securities depository in Asia. 

The Spanish bank is reinforcing its commitment to growth in the alternative asset sector.

The data provider acquired Lumonic and DealX.