The capability will provide increased transparency on a real-time basis and platform resiliency.
The new rules will contribute to reducing excessive reliance on systemic CCPs in non-EU countries.
The FCA-regulated exchange has added State Street, Fidelity International and LGIM funds.
Guidelines on weaknesses in banks' counterparty credit risk management will be published next month.
They will embark on bespoke research & education for investment teams on climate change & biodiversity.
Nasdaq was the only exchange to trade options on IBIT, the first Bitcoin ETP to have listed options.
OneChronos ATS facilitated an average of $4.5bn in daily US equities trading volume in November.
The firms will enable participants to meet DMIST standards for the timeliness of allocations and give-ups.
Participants will have a precise, efficient tool for managing mortgage pipeline risk for the first time.