
BIS Publishes Framework for Banks’ Crypto Exposures

BIS Publishes Framework for Banks’ Crypto Exposures

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision published its final disclosure framework for banks’ cryptoasset exposures and targeted amendments to its cryptoasset standard published in December 2022.

Both standards have an implementation date of 1 January 2026.

The final disclosure framework includes a set of standardised tables and templates covering banks’ cryptoasset exposures. These require banks to disclose qualitative information on their cryptoasset-related activities and quantitative information on the capital and liquidity requirements for their cryptoasset exposures. The use of common disclosure requirements aims to enhance information availability and support market discipline.

The targeted amendments to the cryptoasset prudential standard aim to further promote a consistent understanding of the standard, particularly regarding the criteria for stablecoins to receive a preferential “Group 1b” regulatory treatment. Various other technical amendments clarify other aspects of the standard.The Committee will continue to monitor developments in cryptoasset markets and the need to mitigate new risks.

Source: BIS

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