
S&P Joins Singapore’s Project Guardian

S&P Joins Singapore’s Project Guardian

S&P Global Ratings is excited to announce its participation in the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s (MAS) Project Guardian, a collaborative initiative between policymakers and the financial industry to enhance the liquidity and efficiency of financial markets through asset tokenization.

S&P Global Ratings joins Project Guardian’s industry group, collaborating with other financial institutions to broaden asset tokenization efforts and to leverage the network effect to expand asset tokenization into capital markets. The firm will participate in Project Guardian’s Fixed Income workstream, developing analytic frameworks, assessments and benchmarks in digital assets and tokenized markets.

Chuck Mounts, Chief DeFi Officer, S&P Global Ratings: “We are delighted to join Project Guardian. This is another step forward in our commitment to leveraging our robust analytical and risk assessment capabilities to support both traditional finance (TradFi) and the growing universe of crypto-native decentralized finance (DeFi) clients.” 

Andrew O’Neill, Digital Assets Analytical Lead, S&P Global Ratings: “Recent innovations in digital bonds and tokenized treasuries have highlighted the potential of digitalization to transform capital markets. We aim to bring our risk perspective and insights to this forum to support robust risk mitigation as this technology is applied in financial markets.”

For more information on Project Guardian, visit: https://www.mas.gov.sg/schemes-and-initiatives/project-guardian

For more information on S&P Global Ratings Digital Assets insights, visit: https://www.spglobal.com/en/research-insights/market-insights/capital-markets/digital-assets

Source: S&P

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