
MFA Supports Dissemination of Individual Treasury Deals

MFA Supports Dissemination of Individual Treasury Deals

MFA supported the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority’s (FINRA) proposal to disseminate information on individual on-the-run Treasury securities transactions in a comment letter.

MFA’s letter endorses efforts by FINRA to expand the public dissemination of information about Treasury transactions, subject to certain dissemination caps, noting that the proposal represents an important step in increasing transparency in the Treasury markets.

“FINRA’s efforts to increase transparency in the Treasury markets will benefit all market participants by enhancing liquidity, lowering cost, and fostering more efficient markets,” said Bryan Corbett, MFA President and CEO. “We encourage FINRA to continue engaging in rulemakings that further reduce reporting timeframes and expand public reporting to include off-the-run Treasuries.”

MFA’s letter commends FINRA for its proposal but recommends that FINRA provide additional information regarding its methodology for calculating dissemination cap sizes.The letter also encourages FINRA to expand public transaction-by-transaction reporting of other categories of Treasury securities. Additionally, the letter expresses support for moving from end-of-day to closer to real-time reporting of transactions

Read the full comment letter here.

Source: MFA

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