
Buy-side Trading Community Launches Women’s Mentor Scheme

Buy-side Trading Community Launches Women’s Mentor Scheme

The Buy-side Trading Community, a global unsponsored social initiative operated by Anita Karppi, announced the launch of a #Buysidewomen Mentor / Mentee network. This is a free of charge programme for buy-side traders to join globally is part of an International Women’s Day 2023 campaign to tackle gender diversity in a push for more female traders on the trading desk of asset managers and hedge funds.

The inaugural #buysidewomen campaign in 2019 led to the #buysidewomen campaign data from 129 traders globally to be used by the Investment Association and AFME in their joint proposal for a review of market hours in Europe which led to consultations by the London Stock Exchange Group and Euronext on market structure and trading hours.

The core mission of this #buysidewomen Mentor/Mentee network is to attract, retain and advance female traders and will provide a network for junior traders to meet senior traders and share best practise amongst the community.

Anita Karppi, Founder of the Buy-side Trading Community: “Since founding the Buy-side Trading Community network in 2009, the needs of traders have been a core focus and objective. There has been calls to help with gender diversity on the trading desk and I am delighted to be able to launch this free-of-charge programme with the aspirations that it helps to make a difference, and well as inspire junior female traders and champion senior female trader role models. I would like to encourage both senior male and female heads of trading to become Mentors and junior female traders to sign up to the programme online #buysidewomen | BTC (buysideintel.com)

Contact: Anita Karppi akarppi@buysideintel.com  +44 203 411 3996

Source: Buy-side Trading Community

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