
The Science of Keeping You Warm


With below zero and single digit temperatures plaguing North America, it’s tough to stay warm. In this frigid environment, it’ll take more than just layering to keep your body temperature from dropping to hypothermic levels. Many clothing and technology companies have come up with ways to infuse our clothing with technologies that are sure to keep us toasty in the polar vortex. It’s strange to think that a fabric could be so technologically advanced that it actually will keep us warm. When we think of protecting ourselves from the cold weather, usually puffy down winter coats and sweaters come to mind, but now it seems that a single layer could do the job just as well, if not better.

In the past we were left with few options on staying warm in cold weather, including layering knits and cold weather accessories. Sweaters made from Fair Isle knitting, developed in Scotland in the early twentieth century is a form of double stranded knitting that makes for a warm fabric because of the extra bulk. However, the various colors and patterns that are traditionally seen on these sweaters are not always in fashion if you’re keeping up with the latest trends, and even our old, bulky sweaters aren’t enough to protect us from the elements these days.

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That’s why clothing companies such as Nike and Firstar developed new technologies that will not only keep us warm while allowing us to move, but are also enough to keep you up-to-date on the current trends. Nike has developed Dri-FIT technology to assist in keeping you warm throughout the day, and during your workouts. For cool conditions, the Dri-FIT wool, composed of lambskin and polyester, provides warmth, breathability, and mobility, while also moving sweat away from the body to dry it quickly, thus helping to remove chill. Firstar works with a scientifically-engineered fabrics company company called Garmatex to create clothing that combines fabric technologies to keep you warm in any climate. The WARMSKIN technology included in these fabrics promotes blood flow to your muscles, increases retention of your body’s natural heat while removing unwanted moisture from your skin, and also uses MST (moisture system transference) technology to move moisture from the skin to the outer layer of the fabric and vaporizes it.

These technological cold weather garments are perfect to be worn freely during the tundra-like conditions we are currently experiencing. For added warmth, wear these articles under a jacket or sweatshirt, and you will be protected from the threat of frost-bite, while still looking stylish.

Featured image via iStock

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